Jellybean arrived in February of 2021, with his companion Pumba, About a year earlier we were asked to transport them to another sanctuary, as their previous caregiver felt they were not living a full enough life at the barn she was boarding them at, never being able to go outside because of lack of proper fencing. I fell head over heels in love with Jellybean, a 9 year old smushy faced boy. As I knew nothing about this sanctuary we were taking them to, and because they were brand new, I had a few misgivings about leaving him there. I told the sanctuary owner if for any reason she could not care for them anymore, I'd be happy to take them. The sanctuary got in over their heads, taking in way too many animals too quickly and I was asked to take Jellybean and Pumba less than a year later. We drove a couple hours in a massive blizzard and brought them home. Jellybean was underweight and they both suffered badly from mange. All it took was a few Ivermection treatments and separating them at mealtimes to ensure the slower eating Jellybean could finish his dinner, and they are both at great weights with silky new coats coming in. Jellybean took a little longer than Pumba to settle in here, but now he's feisty, brave, sometimes curmudgeonly, but still absolutely adorable. He falls down at anyone's feet when touched, asking for a belly rub.